Featured Zhu Zhu Pets - Buy NOW!

What The Heck are Zhu Zhu Pets ?

If you don't know by now, Zhu Zhu Pets are the "Tickle Me Elmo" for the 2009 Christmas season! Cute little battery operated hamsters that "zoom" around just like a real hamster. Just like a real hamster, Zhu Zhu Pets are fuzzy and furry, make cute little sounds, and are just overall adorable. But probably the best features of these toy hamsters for parents like us are the fact that they don't poop, chew your tv wires, shed their fur, or need to eat. Best of all, when they "die," just pop in a new set of batteries and your child's little hamster friend will be good as new again!

All in all these little hamsters are a great gift idea, but grab them up fast, as there is an enormous demand for them this holiday season.

Here's a great commercial clip of the Zhu Zhu Pets (previously known as go go pets) in action.

Zhu Zhu Pets Accessories and Play Sets

By now you have most likely heard the buzz behind the latest toy craze preparing to take over America this holiday season; Zhu Zhu Pets. With their ability to behave, react and adapt to their environment like real Hamsters, these little motorized "pets" are already stirring up a mad shopping frenzy rivaling past holiday toy crazes like Tickle Me Elmo and the Furby. Zhu Zhu Pets by themselves are intriguing enough for many of their owners, but there are also a myriad of play sets and other accessories available, with the various playsets in particular being able to be customized and even combined into one large megaset providing hours of fun for your kids. Some of the big Zhu Zhu Pets accessories this holiday include:
  • Hamster Funhouse - The Hamster Funhouse is the staple hamster accessory for new Zhu Zhu Pets owners. This "Habitat" for the hamsters has two main areas housing a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and a tunnel to connect the two areas together. The playset also features special "bumps" in key parts that stimulate the Zhu Zhu Pets to make unique noises such as sleeping noises in the bedroom, or toliet flushing in the bathroom, along with funny movements. Of course the Hamster Funhouse also has openings that allow it to connect with the other Zhu Zhu pets playsets currently available, making it a great starting point for building your own Hamster City!

  • Spiral Slide and Ramp - This playset has your Zhu Zhu Pets hamster scooting up a ramp, then going down and around on the large corkscrew slide. Simple, but fun addition to a Hamster Funhouse and other playsets.

  • Hamster Wheel and Tunnel - Much like real-life hamster wheels, the Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Wheel and Tunnel playset is exactly as it says on the box; "Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters scamper up the ramp to jump on the exercise wheel and start running". Only unlike a real hamster wheel, it can be connected with other Zhu Zhu Pets playsets. No real hamster poos to clean up is a plus too.

  • Adventure Ball - Another Zhu Zhu Pets accessory inspired by real-life, this clear blue ball works by first placing a stabilizer below the Zhu Zhu Pet hamster, keeping it from tipping over while inside the ball. The hamster is then placed inside the ball where it is free to explore the world around it, especially over rough surfaces such as carpet where Zhu Zhu Pets on their own may have a hard time treading. As a bonus, the Adventure Ball set also includes a "Rattlin' Clatterin' Mini Ball" that can be pushed around by the hamster almost anywhere, including within the playsets themselves.

  • Surfboard and Sleep Dome - Surfing hamsters are no longer just a dream, now the Surfboard and Sleep Dome set makes it a reality. The Zhu Zhu Pets hamster can "surf" around a floor with the surfboard, but it can only surf on land, so don't try it in water! Plus, when the hamster is done for the day, it can rest in the included sleep dome.

  • Skateboard and U-Turn - Similar to the Surfboard and Sleep Dome playset, the Skateboard and U-Turn set has our curious little motorized critters tackling the sport of skateboarding. The Zhu Zhu Pets hop on the skateboard and ride up the included U-Turn ramp, to come down and around back on the ground or to another connected playset. May not be quite as spectacular as surfing, but how many hamsters do you know of that can do one, let alone two sports?

  • Hamstermobile and Garage - Probably the most interesting Zhu Zhu Pets playset is the Hamstermobile and Garage set. The ingenuity of Zhu Zhu Pets' artificial intelligence is shown when the hamsters enter the garage, hop in the Hamstermobile sedan, open the garage doors, and drive off all by themselves. Many good times can be had watching the hamsters steer, accelerate, brake, and reverse the Hamstermobile all on their own. As long as they don't find their way out of your house and motoring on real-life roads, that is.

  • Hamster Bed and Blanket with Pet Carrier and Blanket - These two accessories provide your Zhu Zhu Pets hamster with a cozy pouch like plush place to snuggle up and "sleep" with the Hamster Bed and Blanket, or a soft and secure way to take your hamster with you with the Pet Carrier and Blanket. Both accessories come in a range of colors, to personalize your Zhu Zhu Pets even further.

Certain accessories and playsets are also available bundled with one of the five current Zhu Zhu Pets, making it easier to get into owning a Zhu Zhu Pet without having to buy one separately. In addition there are even more Zhu Zhu Pets and accessories coming in 2010, so get your hamster surfboard ready, because the Zhu Zhu Pets wave is just starting to hit!



Zhu Zhu Pets - Tips to Consider Before and After You Get Your Zhu Zhu Pet Hamster

Before you buy your Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster, consider these tips from new Zhu Zhu Pets owners:

1. Get an extra set of AAA batteries. Or better yet, a set of rechargeable AAA batteries. You don't want your Zhu Zhu Pets hamster to run out of juice when you're just getting to know it do you?

2. These furry little friends zoom along pretty quickly: be sure to keep you and your child's hair, small fingers, shoelaces, etc. away from the motorized wheels that power these buggers to prevent entanglement and pinched skin.

3. If your child wants to sleep with his or her hamster, be sure to take the batteries out! The Zhu Zhu Pets aren't made to be sleeping buddies. But if your child must take it to bed with him/her, then removing the batteries will help to insure a safe, peaceful nights sleep for your child.

4. The hamsters were designed to be played with on smooth surfaces (hard floors, Zhu Zhu Pets play sets.) Putting them on soft surfaces like carpet may damage your hamster so try not to do it. Also keep them away from sand, dirt, water, and other outside elements.

5. Zhu Zhu Pets are made to be played with by humans; don't let your dog use them as a chew toy if you want to keep your hamster "alive" for awhile.

6. While the hamsters can handle bumping into things on their own, don't forcefully bump, throw, or crush them as some impacts may cause your hamster to stop working.

7. Be sure your child is ready for a Zhu Zhu Pet. The recommended age range is 4 and up for these cuddly guys.

Now that you've read these tips you're ready to adopt your new Zhu Zhu hamster!

3 Tips For Buying Zhu Zhu Pets This Christmas

Having a hard time finding Zhu Zhu Pets and their accessories? All over the nation moms and dads are scouring their local store shelves trying to find the elusive hamsters, with not much success. If you are one of these parents hoping to get a hold of a Zhu Zhu Pet for your son or daughter this holiday season, you are not alone, and, thankfully, you are not beyond help either! Here's a few tips to help you find the best Zhu Zhu pet, at the best price available, with enough time to spare to still place it under your Christmas tree.

1. Stop looking locally: Unless you have "friends" inside one of your local toy or big box stores willing to hide away a few Zhu Zhu Hamsters just for you, you will likely be facing many trips to said stores in a futile attempt to secure a hamster or play set of your own. Not only that but in the unlikely event that you do find a Zhu Zhu Pets hamster or accessory/play set, it may not be the one you were looking for; particularly if it's one of the more popular items in the Zhu Zhu Pets line.

2. If you INSIST on looking locally: Call ahead and / or make a friend with some of the people who run, and regularly re-stock your stores' toy department. Ask around and try to find out when toy shipments occur, how often said shipments are likely to contain the Zhu Zhu Pet on your Christmas list, and when they will be put out on the sales floor. If you can get all of that information, then you will actually have a really good chance of obtaining the Zhu Zhu Pets hamster/playset that you want. However, getting even the tiniest bits of this kind of information is usually akin to pulling teeth, as most stores have a "no tell" policy that forbids employees from giving out such valuable information, in the interest of customer fairness and satisfaction. If anything, you will be lucky to get a hint of when the toy(s) may come in, when they might come out for sale, and how many days in advance you should plan to camp outside the store entrance for them.

3. Shop Online: Unless you have ABSOLUTELY nothing better to do than drive/walk/run in circles daily to all the toy selling stores in your area looking for that one special hamster your boy or girl needs, then it's time to check out the online toy shops. At last count there were over 1 million web pages related to Zhu Zhu Pets on the web, with a good %60 or more of them selling the furry little hamsters in some capacity. This leaves quite an abundant stock of Zhu Zhu Pets available for purchase at your fingertips. The single caveat: finding any of the Zhu Zhu products, particularly the hamsters themselves, for anything less than double or triple the MSRP is increasingly difficult. Therefore, as much as we may not like it, if this is one of the big "please please please daddy can I get it" items your child is asking for this Christmas, you may not have a choice but to buckle down and pay the extra few bucks for that one particular Zhu Zhu Pets hamster. While this is not immediately the favored option, when looking at how much gasoline, energy, and time is wasted in your brick and mortar store search efforts, the extra few dollars outlay-ed to an online merchant for the hamster your child wants far outweighs the wasted time and gas dollars spent looking for the perfect hamster at a local store.

There's your 3 best options for finding that elusive Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster or Playset in time for Christmas. Time to get shopping!
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